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Sport Fishing Institute of BC
Updates about the season ahead and the issues that may affect you
2015 Halibut
First up, we can report that DFO has accepted the SFAB’s recommendations for managing this year’s halibut fishery. The Total Allowable Catch is virtually the same as it was last year (at 1,063,550 lbs in 2015) and limits of one per day, two in possession will open the season. Size limits were announced at one up to 90 cm and one up to 133 cm. While size of fish may not be reviewed during the course of the season there is a possibility that the daily bag limit will be increased to two. If this should occur it will be later in the season and only if catch estimates indicate that there is room for additional harvest in the latter part of the season.
As a precautionary decision, DFO will not allow the recreational sector to harvest the halibut we left in the water last year, and as a conservation matter we agree with the principle behind the decision. We should note, however, that recreational anglers are living with reduced possession limits and smaller fish sizes as a matter of allocation, rather than as a matter of conservation. Commercial fishers can continue to catch fish of any size.
Catch Data - Log Books and Catch Counts
Secondly, we see yet more evidence of the importance of providing fisheries managers with quality catch data. Over a number of years and by the review of a number of test programs, DFO has determined that guide logbooks are a valuable component of recreational fisheries data and are working to increase their use particularly in areas where creel survey data is limited.
The Recreational Vision (that the SFI, BCWF, DFO and the Province developed) outlined an approach in which the recreational sector takes on greater responsibility for documenting its catch. The guide log books and other angler based efforts to assist with counting our catch fall in step with these principles.
Some of the efforts to be regularly communicated:
- Coded Wire Tag program and Catch Counts ….you will begin to see the catch counts logo appear in DFO materials that promote and describe catch data collection programs. The Catch Counts messaging is intended to highlight the importance of catch data from CWT and log book programs.

catch counts logo
- While DFO intends to use guide log books in its estimates, it is not required of all guides all the time. In fact it will only be used in areas where additional data is required. But, guides who are approached to participate should understand the importance of, and requirement to provide, accurate records.
- We believe that the better we can document our catch, the less vulnerable we are to groups that would seek to criticize the conservation efforts and harvest of recreational anglers. Your participation is critical and your efforts provide much needed information about recreational catch. Moreover, your participation in this and other catch data collection programs will ensure that regulation changes will be based on good information rather than opportunities limited by the precautionary principle.
CTAG Challenge Changes - April
Third, we are pleased to announce that changes to the CTAG program are coming. From April of this year, the CTAG challenge will be more streamlined and available at any Service BC or Service Canada office. The overall cost of the challenge will go from $495 down to $120. The $1000 training credit remains, as do various benefits and discounts to vessel insurance. Destinations BC continues to be interested in, and is building. its promotion of salt water fishing utilizing CTAG as a way to characterize the professional standing of guides on the coast. More details will be available in the coming weeks.
Leatherback Turtles
Finally, DFO and the B.C. Cetacean Sightings Network (BCCSN) are seeking your assistance in learning more about leatherback sea turtle occurrence in Pacific Canadian waters. We’d like to pass along the following request on their behalf:
Leatherback turtles are listed as an endangered species worldwide, including Canada, and are declining in numbers globally. Leatherbacks cross the Pacific Ocean from nesting beaches in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific to feast on jellyfish off the west coast of North America. While leatherbacks have been spotted in most areas of the B.C. coast, the majority of B.C. encounters have occurred off western Vancouver Island and around Haida Gwaii. More information about the fairly rare occurrences of leatherback turtles in B.C. is needed to determine the importance of this area to the species.
Your experience on the water is invaluable. As someone who works on or near the water, you are one of a group most likely to encounter these large, unique, solitary animals in their natural environment. We hope that you will take the time to fill out our online survey and let us know if you have encountered a sea turtle in B.C. waters. If you have not encountered a leatherback in the past, we encourage you to fill out the questionnaire as well. We would appreciate it if you could forward this information to others in your company or organization that may also be able to assist us. The questionnaire is available online at www.surveymonkey.com/s/seaturtlebc. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. When completing the questionnaire, please include as many details as possible, such as the location and approximate date of your sighting(s). If you have any questions or would like to discuss your sightings in person, please don’t hesitate to contact us at sightings@vanaqua.org, or by calling 1 866 I SAW ONE.
The BCCSN and DFO collect sightings of all whales, dolphins, porpoises and sea turtles in B.C. waters year-round and coast-wide. This is an ongoing program and we encourage you to report any future sightings to us. You may request a logbook to keep on board your vessel by contacting the Vancouver Aquarium (sightings@vanaqua.org)
Membership Discounts!
We would like to encourage new members or perhaps have lapsed members take out membership once again. To that end we would like to offer a membership renewal promotion; recruit a new or lapsed, same category or higher member and get a 10% discount off of your 2015 membership fees. Get 5 new or lapsed members to enroll and get your membership and limited edition gift free in 2015!