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Christopher Bos
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Message from SVIAC President Chris Bos here.
Gary Cooper
A coalition formed by Mr. Christopher Bos and a small group of other concerned anglers, including Gary Cooper, outlines the importance of preserving natural fish species, and is looking for other members to join and participate in saving South Vancouver Island's fisheries.
South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition
The South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition (SVIAC) is a non-profit society formed by a passionate group of concerned anglers with the objective of making sure there will be ample fish and recreational fishing opportunities for generations to come. SVIAC is committed to breaking new ground while forming effective alliances in our goal to organize the recreational fishing community to form a cohesive, well-managed advocacy alliance. Our purpose is to successfully pressure and influence government at all levels into ensuring abundant healthy populations of fish and protecting and rebuilding our highly-valued public fisheries.
Why Are We Doing This Now?
Because our once vibrant year-round accessible public fishery has been seriously harmed by DFO’s detrimental management and regulatory policy. The sound principled advice offered by the local committee of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board is largely being ignored. Excessively restrictive spring and summer Chinook salmon fishing regulations have severely curtailed access to abundant US origin hatchery Chinook. The unfair allocation of the Pacific Halibut resource has led to a heavily restricted fishery and a loss of six months of recreational fishing in our local waters. Of particular concern is that, with their budget gutted and their capacity severely reduced, DFO no longer makes meaningful enhancement or recovery efforts for salmon stocks of concern in our region.
We understand the importance of healthy fish populations to our ecosystems. We also realize the significance of a prosperous public fishery to our region. Our fishery generates substantial revenue while having minimal effect on the resource, it creates good-paying jobs, it builds tourism revenue in our region and it increases the valuable social and wellness benefits for the people who enjoy this healthy outdoor activity. We want all of this for our region and we want the obstacles and problems hindering this addressed immediately!
What We Do?
Through proactive, well-funded methodical advocacy and communications we will hold government to account. We are already working hard to protect Canadians’ recreational fishing rights and fair access to fish. We will continue to pressure government relentlessly to ensure there are abundant healthy fish populations. It is also essential we educate the government, at all levels, as well as inform the general public about the important historic, social and economic value angling brings to South Vancouver Island.
How You Can Help?
For SVIAC to create the necessary momentum in a policy-changing political campaign requires much effort. To pay for a professional advocacy spokesperson in Ottawa, where decisions about our fish and fisheries are made, is especially expensive. So too is a professionally-compiled economic study of the positive impacts of our fishery on our region. And if legal action should be required, SVIAC must have the resources available to afford the best counsel possible. Our need for a substantial budget is evident. However, the return on investment for rebuilding key fish stocks and boosting sportfishing opportunities will be significant for our regional economy and our society. For the reasons stated above, your membership is vital to influencing positive change and we ask you join our worthy and just cause.
Make sure to attend their 1st ever AGM on February 28th if you're interested. Details on their website here and a Facebook event here, featuring guest speaker Dr. Alexandra Morton.