Nootka Marine
Tie Gear, Rinse, Repeat.....
Salt Water
Fishing remains spotty for Chinook salmon everywhere, if anglers are willing to put in the time they will usually fare well by days end, however most of the Springs we have been finding are still down deep in the 75 to 95 foot range. Coho are showing up in good numbers and can be found everywhere from Bajo reef to Strange island, Coho are anywhere from 45 to 95 feet depending on the bait location, and are still averaging in the 6 to 7 pound range. Remember to check local regulations before harvesting wild Coho in the Nootka Sound area.
Bottom fishing remains excellent with limits of Ling cod, Halibut, and Rockfish to be had for those who wish to target them on good weather days.
Bajo Reef, Maquinna Point, Beano Creek, Burdwood Point, and Wash Rock remain the best fishing thus far. Glow cuttle fish hoochies, anchovies and flashers are the most productive choice of tackle so far for salmon.
Fresh Water
Lake fishing remains good for Rainbow and Cutthroat, any combination of spoons and spinners is still working well, either casting from shore or by trolling from boat.
Great fly fishing is available on the Elk River at this time of year and will stay good for the next 3 to 4 weeks, for both dry fly and sinking flies. The Elk is easily accessible by foot or pontoon boat, and is arguably one of the best trout rivers on Vancouver Island.