Kootenay Kingfisher
Kootenay Kingfisher
Had some pretty good Bull Trout fishing in February and March which is typical for this time of year. Lyman's have been my lure of choice at 2.2 - 2.4 mph. Top 30 ft has been the best. Smaller ones have been deep on the riggers.
I am planning some trips on Arrow Lake in about a week to ten days. The north end of the lake has some great bull trout fishing in the spring. Usually good numbers of fish up there. For you folks from Alberta you can stay in Revelstoke which is only about 5 hrs from Calgary, then meet me at the ferry landing in the morning. A great close getaway!! If you are interested in this trip give me a call soon. I will only be doing this trip for a few weeks then I'll be back over to Kootenay Lake.
Spring Rainbow trout fishing on Kootenay Lake will be firing up in about a month or so. Usually around the end of April after the water has warmed up a bit the rainbows get aggressive and put on the feed bags again. I'm starting to get booked for May, so a good idea to start planning now and get you on the calendar.
Salmon and Halibut fishing in Ucluelet. Looks like it's going to be a great year! Forcasts are for huge numbers of chinooks returning to the Columbia River. Also the Stamp river forcast looks above normal which will help us with the local fish. Supposed to be some 5 year old fish mixed in there this year. Those are the real big guys 30 - 45 pounders. All these fish come down the fish highway and stop to feed at Ucluelet. Already hearing of lots of herring in the area which will hold the fish there. Our job is to thin them out a little and put some fish in our freezer. Lol 90% booked for these trips from June 18 till the end of August. Going to be a great summer. Lots of fish!
Lots of great fishing trips to be planned. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Tight Lines: Brad Stubbs, www.kootenaykingfisher.com