Kootenay KingFisher
Kootenay KingFisher Report Jan 25
Kootenay KingFisher
Still pulling in some real nice rainbows. The rainbows are moody at this
time of year but when we get em they are big. Seems to be two or three days
per week when the rainbows are turned on. Fortunately the Bull Trout are
kicking into high gear to fill in the blanks. January to March are my
favorite Bull Trout months. Pull in some real nice fatties.
Hard to keep up to where they are. One day on top and the next day down
deep,but with a bit of work we can find out what they want, and where they
are hiding.
As far as gear is concerned, I'm using a bit of everything. Lyman's, flies,
and billies. Just going by water conditions etc. Let them tell you what they
want that day.Speed most days is 2 - 2.5mph
Already 50% booked for 2013 salmon/halibut season, so please drop me a line
so we can get you in the calendar. Looking to be a banner year by all
forcasts.I am booking for July and August.
If you haven't signed up on our facebook page yet, please do so, as I'm
going to do more updates and photo's on there. Should be a little easier,
and I can send out reports from the boat.I can also post more pictures. The
email list is getting long, and its hard to send out a lot of pictures on a
group email.
The weather has been awesome.Been above freezing a lot of days in January.
Beautiful to be out on the water, and if you get a bit chilly, the Espar
furnace warms you up in the cab. Lots of great fishing days left this
winter. Hope to hear from you soon!!
Tight Lines ... Brad Stubbs