Tracey John Hittel
Steelhead fishing is peak this time of year on the Kitimat and Skeena systems. Manchester England Spey caster, Tony Clements has repeatedly sought after the elusive Steelhead trout on the fly.
Today is Tonys birthday, not only landing two steelhead as well enduring the morning with numb fingers as it snowed. He said take a pic as this is crazy. We decided to head back to the lodge, warm up with a turbo charged coffee and fish the Kitimats high tide. The rivers on the drop from last nights rain and snow, I tell Tony its gonna warm this afternoon.
We waded into the run and literally 10 minutes in, Tony is into a chrome hen fish. We don't have a net so its a quick pic and off she goes.
Local angler Rick Wakita walks into the run with a drift rod, his pink worm as a attraction draws me out of the water. I start making conversation and we talk at length, as Tony swings his fly, called the Al CaPrawn, another one of Ariel's homemade concocions, it fishes as well if not better than the worm. Rick watches as Tony casts into the cream of the pool, this is Ricks first day of steelheading and he thankfully waits for his turn at the run he's fished for decades. It's high tide at 3 he says, I'll cast the pink worm or roe in this pool for hours, get my fish and head home to the smokehouse.
After years of gently releasing steelhead the image of a food fishery reflecting the god of all trout is ... What it is.
The Kitimat is fortunate to produce massive runs of steelhead with the opportunity to retain a fin clipped gem.
I watched today as a seal peaked his head above the pool we were fishing, then disappeared, whew I thought, it was not five minutes later a huge Steelhead jumped out of the water, its signature red stripe helplessly grappled in the mouth of the tusks of the hungry seal.
Tony landed his second Steelhead of the day, a beautiful hen fish, scarred by the aggressive bite of the seal.
Ohh the seal, shoot the F@#%, says Tony, I agree silently. Remembering back to my Haisla friend saying, why stop the cull, the livers are better than beef. Attached are a few photos of Tony's trip and its only a small piece that I can explain without experiencing it in real life. Tony goes home with a lifetime of memories here in Kitimat, and as he sits on his front garden in France overlooking his retirement vineyard, scratching his cheek. The cheek that was penetrated by a razor sharp steelhead fly in a crazy wind, he will not only ponder his trip, but return again next year. This is the Kitimat Steelhead experience.
Kitimat BC Canada
250 632-9880 hm.
250 639-4277 cell.
Skype Address: kitimat_lodge