Island Outfitters Rainbow Trout
Emily Karger with a nice local lake rainbow caught while trolling a lack leech on a full sink line.
Exciting events planned in the next month.
The 6th Annual Elk Lake "Take a Kid" Fishing Derby. Adults – $25, Juniors – $10. If you come into the store and purchase a Daiwa D-Shock spinning rod combo, you get a free juniors ticket. All ticket holders are entered into the draw for a new boat and motor package. First place $1,000 for the largest trout and the largest bass. This derby has live release weigh boats and weigh-stations located strategically on the lake. For more information contact us at 250-475-4969.
April 20th and 21st: The 18th Annual "Just for the Halibut" Derby. First prize is $7,500 cash, 2nd prize is $2,500, and 3rd prize is $1,000 cash. A hidden weight “Bonus” prize is sponsored by SG Power. Tickets are available at Island Outfitters, Pedder Bay Marina or Cheanuh Marina. Call 250-475-4969 for more information.
April 24th: The Fly Fishing Film Tour Canada: The Victoria Royal Canadian Legion Branch #292, 411 Gorge Rd East Victoria B.C. Parking around back off Dunedin St. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door, $5 for juniors. Wednesday April 24th doors open @ 6pm. There will be some great prizes to be won here from Sage, Scientific Anglers, Custom Rod Builders Inc., and Under Armour. Visit http://flyfilmtour.com to watch trailers for the upcoming films. Tickets available at Island Outfitters.
May 2nd through 5th: Island Outfitters 19th Anniversary Sale: Storewide annual sale with lots of great deals and bargains.
May 4th: The Sidney Salmon Derby. Rod Tickets are $125.00/each. Banquet Tickets are $22.00 (including HST). Scales close at 4:00pm. Banquet Dinner is at Mary Winspear Centre, starts after 4:00pm. Lots of Prizes to be won! 1st Place; $5,000 2nd Place; $3,000 3rd Place; $1,000: Draw Prizes and 50/50 Tickets as well! All proceeds go to Salmon Enhancement Society. Tickets available at Island Outfitters.
Don't forget April 1st is the beginning of the new license year, get yours online herehttp://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/licence-permis/index-eng.htm
The Past Winter Steelhead Season Summary:
All in all there seems to have been a lack of winter steelhead returning to most rivers on Vancouver Island and the Pacific Northwest. The Cowichan River probably had the best returns on the island. While a major hatchery returning river like the Stamp has had one of the worst years on record. Rivers across the straight on the Olympic Peninsula have also had a tough year. Nobody knows why but perhaps it has something to do with ocean conditions not being in the favour for young steelhead. One can only speculate I guess. We can only hope for a better season next year. It also brings to attention that if you are lucky enough to hook and land one of these wild beauties, great care should go into handling these fish for photos and that they are kept in the water as much as possible. Especially in a low number year like this one, every spawner counts.
Fishing the Local Lakes for Trout
If you are planning on getting out on any of the local lakes for trout fishing, now is the time. With the water temperature rising everyday these fish will become more and more active. Not to mention by now most of the hatchery stocking has taken place and should add to the bounty found in the lakes. Some of my favourite lakes include Langford, Elk/Beaver, Prospect, Kemp, Fuller, Sproat, Somenos, and Cowichan. Dragging a black leech around is almost always productive in these lakes. With the warmer water chronimid hatches should also become more prominent. To fish chronimids most effectively you will want to double anchor you boat. Fishing 25 feet of water or less with an indicator, long leader and a chronimid or micro leech can be really effective. In waters deeper than 25 feet a full sink line measured so that it is fishing 1-2 feet above the bottom can be exciting.
Another highly effective way of fishing the larger lakes like Cowichan, Sproat, and Kennedy is to fish at one of the larger creek mouths that enter the lake in hopes of finding some cutthroat trout feeding on salmon fry. This can be very exciting because trout can often be seen cruising the shallows, and all it takes is a well placed cast and a couple strips and you can be into some larger than average fish. These fish can easily be over 20 inches. An intermediate sink line like Rio's Aqua or Camo-lux is best. Through April is the best time for this as it is the time when most chum, sockeye and coho fry are emerging and getting swept down the creeks and into the lakes. If you have any further questions or need help choosing which fry pattern works best feel free to come into the store for some advice. -Nelson
A Great Start to the Halibut Season!
In the last couple weeks the halibut fishing has been very good. Most anglers that are targeting halibut have been doing very well. Baits of choice have been mackerel, herring, octopus and salmon bellies. Before the size limit restrictions came into place we had some good fish weighed in to the store. One fish over a hundred pounds was weighed in. Areas that have been producing fish have been Constance Bank, Oak Bay, Albert Head, The "mud hole," Jordan River and off of Sooke. If you are thinking of getting out early in the season for halibut we will have an "early bird special" rate leaving Port Renfrew for $900 for the day or $1100 including the nights prior accommodation. This will run till June 15th. Which will include boat, guide, bait, and 8 hours fishing. Not included are licenses, food, drinks, and gratuities. Mention this newsletter for the special rate.