Sidney Salmon Derby
Sidney Anglers Association
Welcome to the 5th Annual Sidney Anglers Association Salmon Derby. We are very pleased to offer a great combination of cash and merchandise prizes, and un-matched hospitality in an effort to provide a wonderful fishing derby experience for contestants. Any individual, including Sidney Anglers Association committee members, may enter the derby by purchasing a ticket and agreeing to abide by the rules. Moorage for contestants' boats is available at Port Sidney Marina and Van Isle Marina.
All persons participating in the derby do so at their own risk. The Sidney Anglers Association and the Salmon Derby Directors assume no responsibility or liability for personal injury, loss or damage to personal, private or other property and equipment claimed lost or damaged by contestants or their guests
Salmon Derby Directors have the right to question the eligibility of contestants and to inspect all fish submitted for weigh-in. Contestants may be disqualified by the Derby Chairperson for violation of any of the derby Rules and Regulations, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Regulations or for any other reason deemed sufficient by the Derby Chairperson. The decisions of the Derby Chairperson shall be final and binding on all contestants.
All proceeds from the Salmon Derby will fund salmon enhancement projects ranging from stream restoration to live pen operations. In four years the derby has raised $57,200.
Schedule of Events
Friday, May 1st, 2015 (Mary Winspear Centre 2243 Beacon Avenue)
- Noon - 8:00 pm – Check-in and distribution of derby packages (includes rod stickers for boat, maps, rules etc etc) will only be available during this time frame. It is the responsibility of derby ticket holders to make arrangements for pick up of their packages if they can not attend the check-in.
- 4:00 - 9:00 pm – No host bar
- 6:00 pm – Dinner served
- 7:00 pm – 20 merchandise prize draws
Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 (Mary Winspear Centre 2243 Beacon Avenue)
- First light – Fishing starts
- 6:00 am - 4:00 pm – Weigh-in at Port Sidney Marina
- 4:00 pm – Weigh-in scales close
- 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm – No host bar
- 7:00 pm – Dinner served
- 8:00 pm – Cash prizes awarded
- 8:30 pm – 20 merchandise prize draws plus 5 major merchandise draws
Click here for Derby Rules & Regulations. Click here for Derby Prizes. Click here for complete information on the Derby including tickets and sponsors.
To enhance the reputation and profile of the derby we would appreciate hearing from you if you have any suggestions or comments. For any questions about sponsoring or participating in our 2015 Sidney Anglers Salmon Derby, please contact us at executive@sidneyanglers.ca