Government of BC
The Government of B.C. is re-opening angling for many streams and rivers. Some closures will remain closed due to conservation concerns. Below is a brief summary of four interior regions.
Region 3 - Thompson
The portion of Shuswap Lake known as Salmon Arm west of a line between Sunnybrae Point and Engineer's Point is closed to fishing from September 11, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Information Bulletin
Coldwater River, Nicola River, and Spius Creek are closed to angling. Information Bulletin
Region 4 - Kootenay
All streams in MU 4-3 to 4-9, except the Columbia River from Hugh Keenleyside Dam to the Washington State Border and the Kootenay River from Brilliant Dam to the confluence with the Columbia River.
Coal Creek, including tributaries; Kikomun Creek, including tributaries; Lizard Creek, including tributaries; Michel Creek, including tributaries; Morrissey Creek, including tributaries; and Sand Creek, including tributaries.
NOTE: All of the streams noted in the above Region 4 closure will re-open to angling on September 16, 2015, in accordance with the 2015-2017 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis.
Region 5 - Cariboo
Horsefly River - from Quesnel Lake to Horsefly River Falls is open to angling as of August 26. Information Bulletin
Region 8 - Okanagan
All streams in Management Units 8-2 to 8-7 and 8-12 to 8-14, previously closed to angling are re-opened to angling September 15, 2015, in accordance with the 2015-2017 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis. (In-Season Regulation Changes). Information Bulletin
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