Westview Marina
Westview Marina & Lodge
Chinook & Coho Salmon - Both are GOOD NEWS from preliminary Fishery Reports.
Chinook - As many of you already know because of our northerly location on the NW side of Vancouver Island and proximity to Brooks Peninsula, we are very fortunate to get thousands of Columbia River & it's tributaries' Salmon feasting on the abundant food at the mouth of Esperanza Inlet, Beano Creek & Bajo Reef (off Nootka out on the super Salmon Highway) as well traveling schools just offshore. Many of our early season fish, May 15-June 30, are Columbia Salmon.
The Washington & Oregon Dept. of Fishers are both projecting a slight downturn from the one million+ record return of Chinook from 2015. But, they are projecting at least a 900,000 return of Chinook, which is well above an average year.
Coho - a little early to tell, but the 2015 jack return exceeded the number of adults that returned. This usually means a very large Coho return for 2016.
Esperanza & Nootka Sound -
Chinook - similar to the Columbia River, the Conuma River and its associated hatchery, had a record return of 100,000+ fish. Other rivers and streams throughout Esperanza Inlet & Nootka Sound produced another 60,000 Chinook for a total return of 160,000 fish in 2015.
This year's projection points to a slight downturn in numbers, but a significant increase in size of the returning mature adult Chinook. Yes we are back to the return of Tyees - 30+ lb fish. The larger size Chinook return for 2016 is a result of excellent ocean conditions when these fish migrated to the salt.
Coho - These fish have been projected at a high abundance over the past two years. The Coho have not materialized to that level, although at times they have been a nuisance throughout the season when targeting Chinook! Projections for this season is they will be at moderate abundance, (about the same as last year), which means there will be lots around to put in your fish box.
Halibut - 2016 stocks are projected to be on an upswing with good abundance off the mouth of Esperanza Inlet and Nootka Sound.
Albacore Tuna - the fastest growing and most exciting sport fishery on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
Where else can you go out to fish for Salmon and/or Halibut and end your day by catching 10-20 Tuna, as well as your Salmon and Halibut. It happens on a regular basis off Esperanza Inlet and Nootka Sound. We are very fortunate that literally thousands of these magnificent fighting fish are 15-25 miles off Esperanza Inlets (sometimes closer).
In a normal year the window of opportunity is the last 3 weeks of August to the first week of September. 2015 was a strong El Niño year resulting in Albacore Fishing/Catching starting in mid-July. 2016 will be very similar to last year.