fernie fly fishing
Fernie Fly Fishing
We are excited to offer the 2016 Fish For Change student program for students ages 10 - 18 years old. Our Sustainable Development Student Program will run August 14 - 21 at a cost of $2,950 per student.
Based out of Fernie, BC, Canada on the lush Elk River and it’s many tributaries, students learn fly-casting, knot tying, entomology, and reading water.
Students participate in conservation efforts with the Elk River Alliance and British Columbia's Wild Sight Foundation. Visiting mine sites and affected mining areas, students learn about the impacts and balance between industry and recreation.
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Beckie Clarke
Daily backpacking into world class tributaries students delve more into the impacts of invasive plant, wildlife and human impacts while integrating their fly fishing skills on some of the best fishing waters in Canada.
For more information on programs and/or to register, please email beckie@fernieflyfishing.com or call 1-800-970-8407.
Beckie Clarke - Instructor: Beckie owns and operates Fernie Fly Fishing, located in the heart of the Canadian Rockies in British Columbia. She is on the Winston Pro Advisory team and inspires the fly fishing community with her commitment to conservation and education. She attended the College of the Rockies and Northwest College specializing in Adventure Tourism, Business Operation and Wilderness Guiding Skills. She is a vibrant role model for women and students around the world and Fish for Change Sustainable Development Programs are blessed to have her on board.