David Chung
David Chung brought in a 33.6 lb spring form Muir Creek to take over 3rd place on our leader board.
Island Outfitters
SALTWATER OVERVIEW – Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT most of this past week. The pink salmon have arrived and limit catches are reported from all areas. There were quite a few chinooks being caught with some in the 30+ lb size range. Halibut fishing was FAIR but most anglers were out after salmon.
DFO notices (For all in-season changes, check DFO website)
- The daily limit for coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only from June 1 to December 31, 2015.
Visit our facebook page to see reports, news and videos by our guides and staff from their most recent trips.
SOOKE – The salmon fishing was EXCELLENT this past week. The pink salmon are here and most Sooke anglers have reported limit catches! Now that the pinks are running, it is a great opportunity to get new anglers and kids out. The springs were less common and scattered throughout the area. There were some 30 lb+ springs caught but most fish are weighing in the 20’s and teens. The bigger springs are being caught in the 35 - 60 ft depths. A few sockeye have been caught but they are closed for retention.
BECHER BAY– Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT in East Sooke. There are “tons” of pink salmon and boats are getting limit catches. The pinks are throughout the entire area so you don’t have to search very far to find them. The best fishing has been on the flood tide in the tide rips and tide lines. The spring salmon fishing is pretty steady inside the bay. The best fishing there has been in tight to shore in 100 feet of water and between 40 – 70 feet on the downrigger. Anglers are also catching some springs between the Trap Shack and Beechey Head but a big spring could show up anywhere. Most springs were running from 15 to 25 lbs in size.
PEDDER BAY – Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT this week. Limits of pink salmon, some nice springs and a couple of hatchery coho were reported between Pedder Bay and Church Rock. Pedder Bay itself was the best location to catch a nice spring, especially in shallow and on the ebb tide. All of the pink salmon has kept the rental boat fleet very busy and there are usually waits at peak times. That said, it’s a great place to take the family for lots of action. Anglers jigging inside of the bay were also catching springs.
Halibut – Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week. Duane Mousseau and his fishing partner landed 56 & 41 lb halibut from the Race one day this past week.

Duane Mousseau & partner
Duane Mousseau and his fishing partner landed 56 & 41 lb halibut from the Race this past week.
VICTORIA – Fishing for springs was GOOD off Constance Bank if you could get your lure past the pink salmon. Springs weighing into the high teens and twenties are being caught at the bank as well as the pink salmon. The pinks have been showing up off Victoria waterfront too, especially in deeper water and along the tide lines. It’s still spotty for springs off the harbour entrance and the breakwater but some fish have been caught there.
Halibut – Halibut fishing was FAIR this past weekend. Anglers had mixed reports of success because of lots of dogfish on one day and then none the next.
OAK BAY – Salmon fishing was GOOD during this past week. There were springs up to the low 20’s taken but fewer fish that the previous week. The fish caught were mostly caught when fishing lures right on the bottom (60-120 ft) on the flats.
Halibut – Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week out in Haro Strait and off Discovery Island.
SIDNEY- Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT near Sidney. The pink salmon have been running off of the Pender Bluffs and lots of bats are getting limits in less than two hours of fishing time. A few chinooks were brought in over the past week weighing but not too many. The springs have been shallow, 30 to 50 feet and in shallow water first thing in the morning.
FRESHWATER OVERVIEW – Fishing is GOOD on most lakes as the water temperatures climb. Wild rainbows and cutthroats over 50 cm must be released in Cowichan Lake. Only single barb less hooks are allowed for all fishing on island streams and rivers.
Effective July 4, 2015, virtually all angling in streams and rivers in Wildlife Management Units 1-1 through 1-6 is suspended. The geographic area covers:
- Bamfield south to Victoria on the west coast
- Campbell River south to Victoria on the east coast
Key rivers affected by the order include the Caycuse, Chemainus, Cowichan, Englishman, Gordon, Little Qualicum, Nanaimo, Nitinat, Oyster, Puntledge, San Juan, Sooke, Trent and Tsable. Lake fishing is not affected by the order.
The angling closure order is for southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands only at this time, but B.C. government fisheries biologists are monitoring approximately 75 other key angling streams across the province, and if conditions warrant, additional closures are possible.
TROUT – Trout fishing was GOOD on most lakes in the South Island area this past week. The biggest trout this year have come from Langford Lake.
BASS - Bass fishing is EXCELLENT. At this time of year most of the bass are in the shallows. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing.
Now is the time to use to heavier leaders (40 to 50 lb test) as the big mature chinook salmon migrate though local waters. With a lighter leader, your chance of losing a big spring to a weak spot or a nick in the leader is greatly increased. Be sure to check your leader after catching each fish to make sure that it is still in good shape.