Island Outfitters
Brandon Walker (right) landed a 33 pound spring while fishing with Ben Wright (left).
Island Outfitters
SALTWATER OVERVIEW – Salmon fishing was GOOD most of this past week. Limit catches of Pink salmon are coming from all areas but it was definitely slower for fishing for the pinks. More chinooks were being caught with most fish weighing in the teens and low twenties. Halibut fishing was GOOD for those targeting this species.
DFO notices (For all in-season changes, check DFO website)
- The daily limit for coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only from June 1 to December 31, 2015.
A closure was implemented on all southern island freshwater systems, including the Cowichan River, in early July prohibiting all fishing, including First Nations FSC fishing. Management measures are now being expanded to the adjacent terminal marine areas, elevating the key chinook non-retention areas to salmon non-retention areas. DFO analysis has shown that the implementation of this management measure will reduce the exploitation rate on Cowichan Chinook.
The following subareas will close to salmon retention effective 00:01h August 4, 2015 until further notice:
- Subareas 17-5 to 17-7, 17-9
- Subareas 18-6 to 18-8
- Subareas 19-7 to 19-12
Visit our facebook page to see reports, news and videos by our guides and staff from their most recent trips.
SOOKE – The salmon fishing was GOOD this past week. The pink salmon are still here and most Sooke anglers targeting them have reported limit catches, even though there were fewer of them this past week. The springs were more commonly caught than in previous weeks. Some large sprigs were caught but most are weighing between 10-20 lbs. The bigger springs are being caught in the 35 - 60 ft depths. A few sockeye have been caught but they are closed for retention.
BECHER BAY– Salmon fishing was GOOD in East Sooke. There are lots of pink salmon but not as many as last week. The pinks are spread throughout the entire area so you don’t have to search very far to find them. The best fishing has been on the flood tide in the tide rips and tide lines. The spring salmon fishing picked up a bit. The best fishing there has been in tight to shore in 100 feet of water and between 40 – 70 feet on the downrigger. The best location for springs was between the Trap Shack and Beechey Head, but a big spring could show up anywhere. Most springs were running from 15 to 22 lbs in size this past week.
PEDDER BAY – Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT this week. Limits of pink salmon, some nice springs, a few hatchery coho and some catch and release sockeye were reported at Pedder Bay Marina. That said, it was slower fishing for the pinks and improved fishing for the springs. Pedder Bay itself was the prime location to catch a nice spring, especially in shallow water between the Deep Hole and the blasting sign near Race Passage. Springs as large as 33 lbs were caught near Church Rock and in the bay, but most springs were in the teens.
HALIBUT – Halibut fishing was GOOD this past week.
VICTORIA – Fishing for springs was GOOD at Constance Bank. There were quite a few pink salmon there as well as springs. Springs are being caught both by trolling and jigging at the bank with the jiggers having an easier time of not hooking pinks. The pinks were less frequent this week closer in off the Victoria waterfront. The best spot to find the pinks has been in deeper water, 180 feet or more, and along the tide lines. It’s still spotty for springs off the harbour entrance and the breakwater but some springs have been caught there. Considering the number of boats out fishing, very few springs were caught and most fish caught were weighing in the teens.
HALIBUT – Halibut fishing was SLOW this past weekend. Anglers report that the dogfish were less of a problem this past week.
OAK BAY – Salmon fishing was SLOW this past week. There were some springs caught but a lot fewer fish that during the previous week. Most salmon caught were when fishing lures right on the bottom (60-110 ft) on the flats.
HALIBUT – Halibut fishing was GOOD this past weekend out in Haro Strait and off Discovery Island.
SIDNEY- Salmon fishing was GOOD near Sidney. The pink salmon have been close to Pender Bluffs and lots of boats are getting limits there. The pinks are also getting larger in size. The springs are also showing up there and they have been hitting hootchies trolled between 50 - 60 feet on the downrigger. The springs have been shallow, at 30 to 50 feet and in shallow water, first thing in the morning. We also heard of one spring caught near Hambley Point.
FRESHWATER OVERVIEW – Fishing is GOOD on most lakes as the water temperatures climb. Wild rainbows and cutthroats over 50 cm must be released in Cowichan Lake.
All rivers on Vancouver Island in Region 1 are now closed until further notice with the exception of the Campbell/Quinsam Rivers and the Qualicum River. To see a description and a map of the areas covered by the stream and river angling closures click here.
TROUT – Trout fishing was GOOD on most lakes in the South Island area this past week.
BASS - Bass fishing is EXCELLENT. At this time of year most of the bass are in the shallows. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing.
Check your lines, frequently! When trolling for salmon, you should never leave a line down more than 20 to 30 minutes without checking to see if your bait is still working properly. Quite often a fish will strike it without getting hooked and ruin the bait, or you will get some weed on the bait, or maybe even have a small fish on that you don’t even know about. Only by checking your line can you know if you’re still fishing.