Hans and Karsten Anderssen with a 25 lb salmon
Hans and Karsten Anderssen with a 25 lb salmon
Island Outfitters
Saltwater Overview - Chinook fishing was fair to good in most locations but it did slow down at the weekend. Halibut fishing was slower with the stronger tides this week. Lingcod and Rockfish opened on May 1st.
Effective until 23:59 hours Friday, June 12, 2015 in sub-areas 19-1 to 19-4 and sub-area 20-5 (those waters near Victoria between Cadboro Pt. to Sheringham Pt.), the daily limit is two (2) chinook salmon per day which may be wild or hatchery marked between 45 cm and 67 cm or hatchery marked greater than 67 cm in length. The minimum size limit in these areas is 45 cm in length.
Visit our facebook page to see reports, news and videos by our guides and staff from their most recent trips and of the 19thAnnual Just for the Halibut Derby!
SOOKE – The fishing for winter springs was FAIR this past weekend. Some hatchery springs into the teens, and a few oversize unclipped chinooks, were taken outside the harbour and near Secretary Island.
BECHER BAY– Salmon fishing was UP & DOWN in East Sooke. Most of the springs were coming from Whirl Bay and right inside Becher Bay. Most hatchery springs were running from 7 to 15 lbs in size and there were some larger unclipped fish that had to be released. Most of the salmon were caught deep (100 -140 feet) in even deeper water and near bait balls.
PEDDER BAY – Chinook salmon fishing was FAIR to GOOD this past week. Whirl Bay was the most popular spot by far, but those fishing inside Pedder Bay were also picking up salmon. There were good size hatchery fish into the high teens being caught and a few over size wild springs as well. If you could find a bait ball, you could pick up springs by fishing around the edge of the bait ball. Most of the keepers were caught near the bottom.
Halibut – Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week.
VICTORIA – Fishing for winter springs was GOOD off Constance Bank during the week. Hatchery fish weighing into the low 20’s were caught, as well as some even bigger wild fish that had to be released.
Halibut – Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week. Most of the action has come from out near Border Bank and not so much form Constance and Albert Head.
OAK BAY – Salmon fishing was GOOD early in the week but did slow down by the weekend. Anglers had the most action trolling out on the Flats. That said, anglers jigging were also picking up fish. Many of the springs were in the mid teens in weight and there were a few large wild springs in the 20’s caught that had to be released.
Halibut – Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week out in Haro Strait and off Discovery Island.
SIDNEY - Salmon fishing was GOOD near Sidney this past week. The Sidney Anglers’ Association held their Annual Salmon Derby on Saturday and it was very successful. 300 tickets were sold and 63 springs were weighed in at the derby. First place went to Len Rasile who caught a 20.8 lb spring while jigging a Mac Deep near the Powder Wharf. Second place went to Dave Miligan who caught a 20.6 lb spring. Third place went to Bob Hamilton for a 19.7 lb spring. It turned out that the salmon were spread out over the entire Sidney area with fish coming in from all over.
Notable Catches – Max Miller, fishing with his partner Don McRae, boated a 22.5 lb clipped Chinook on Constance Bank on Monday, April 27. First place in The Sidney Anglers’ Association Annual Salmon Derby went to Len Rasile who caught a 20.8 lb spring near the Powder Wharf. Second place went to Dave Miligan who caught a 20.6 lb spring. Third place went to Bob Hamilton for a 19.7 lb spring.
Freshwater Overview - Fishing is PICKING UP on most lakes as the water temperatures climb. Trout fishing in the Cowichan River is EXCELLENT. Remember that ALL wild trout (steelhead included) must be released on ALL streams in Region 1. Wild rainbows and cutthroats over 50 cm must be released in Cowichan Lake. Only single barbless hooks are allowed for all fishing on island streams and rivers. Bass fishing is now catch and release only until June 15th.
COWICHAN RIVER –The water level has been steadily dropping for the third consecutive week. The water level today is between 0.5-0.6 meters throughout its length. The trout fishing in the mid and upper river is EXCELLENT. Insect hatches are becoming larger and more frequent. There were some huge mayfly hatches this past week. The rainbows, cutthroats and resident brown trout are actively feeding on these hatches and migrating salmon fry.
TROUT – Trout fishing was FAIR on most lakes in the South Island area this past week. The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC has started their spring releases of catchable rainbow trout from the Vancouver Island Trout Hatchery.
BASS - Bass fishing is PICKING UP. At this time of year some of the bass are moving into the shallows for spawning. Look for suspended fish by drop offs close to shore along docks, branches, and any overhanging structure. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing. Bass fishing is now catch and release only until June 15th.