Westview Marina & Lodge
Shelly Langley with her 30.5Lb Tyee
Westview Marina & Lodge
Chinook - Finally some Tyees & the best Spring/King fishing we have seen in years.
The Chinook are stacked in Esperanza Inlet & Nootka Sound in all the 1over/1under 77 cm areas. Most fishers out of Westview are finding their best production from Saltery Bay right out to the inside Pins. Most are fishing the left-hand side of the Inlet in the 40-60 ft range with good results.
Coho are showing up in strong numbers. They are mixed in with the Chinook at the same depth, same bait. Limits inside are 4 per day, 8 possession, they can be hatchery marked or wild.
TUNA, TUNA, TUNA - Yes the Albacore are here straight off Esperanza 17 miles or less. Overall it is about 30 miles from the Marina. The tuna are located between the 50 fathom line & 141 pinnacle. Look for the clear blue water and lots of birds feeding. We had 62 Tuna on the dock this past Monday from 3 boats, 28 on Tuesday from 2 boats, and 17 on the dock Wednesday from another boat. Wind will be the determining factor as we move through the next few days to see if we can continue fishing these magnificent exciting fish.
The Annual "Salmon Enhancement Fishing Derby" is approaching quickly - Friday & Saturday August 28 & 29. Get your tickets now - only 200 will be sold. Thousands of dollars in Prizes, Gifts & Cash will be given away! Come join the fun.
John & Cathy Falavolito, 250-934-7672, Westview Marina & Lodge - Serving the Cruising and Fishing Public for 23 Years. http://westviewmarina.com/