Gink and Gasoline
Simms Headwater Pro waders
Gink & Gasoline
Simms has a new, made in Bozeman, Gore-Tex wader at an attractive price.
Simms has made the Headwaters wader for some time now, so what’s new about the Headwaters Pro? Basically, Simms has stolen a lot of great design from themselves. The new Headwaters Pro wader has many of the dynamite features of the Famous G-3 wader for $100 less.
Some of the new features include:
- New patterning based on best-ever G3 Guide Stockingfoot
- New top pocket array and feature set including molle webbing and two pockets
- New lower leg with front and back center-seam (patented) and reinforcement with an additional 4th layer on lower-leg for durability.
Click here to watch the video for all the details on the new Headwaters Pro wader from Simms.