Take the Family Fishing – For Free Submitte
BC's Family Fishing Weekend is an annual celebration of the great sport of fishing. Residents of British Columbia are encouraged to get together with family and friends, to "GO FISH" during the Father's Day weekend and to have fun. "GO FISH" is our slogan to motivate more people to take up angling as a pastime and to enjoy BC's magnificent outdoors. Additionally, we are committed to educating the public of the vital significance of fish and their fragile habitat.
Our program offers three opportunities to the public. First, BC's residents can go fishing anywhere in the province with a friend or family member and get reacquainted with the great sport of fishing in supernatural BC. Second, each year during the Father's Day weekend there are many popular community events around the province that help people, particularly kids, learn about fishing, fish and conservation in a fun and relaxed environment. Third, our website and literature offer information and education on angling and will teach the public how to fish.
During BC's Family Fishing Weekend BC residents can go fishing within the rules in many of BC's lakes, streams and tidal waters. The BC Government offers a complimentary 3-day basic freshwater licence valid only for June 15-16-17, 2012. Fisheries and Oceans Canada also encourages BC residents to try their hand at tidal (saltwater) fishing with free tidal water fishing licence.
Annually our program attracts an estimated 25,000 people who go fishing during the Family Fishing Weekend around BC and approximately 12,500 of those visit our popular community events. The Family Fishing Weekend has developed into a well liked and much anticipated annual event.
For more information visit www.bcfamilyfishing.com