Island Outfitters
Island Outfitters
Island Outfitters
SALTWATER OVERVIEW – The Chinook fishing has been picking up around the South Island. All fishing effort is targeting winter springs. Most of the fish are 3-6 lbs in size, with some larger ones up to 11 lbs. Weather conditions have been poor for fishing over most of the week.
For the latest details on recreational fishery openings and closures in your area: A) Call 1-866-431-FISH or 604-666-2828 (24-hour phone line); B) Visit our web page to find applicable fishery notices; or C) Follow our sport fishing Twitter account
SOOKE – The salmon fishing was VERY GOOD this past week. Winter springs as large as 12 lbs were caught, and lots of fish in the 4-6 lb size. The best locations to fish for winter springs have been from the Bluffs west to Muir Creek. The hot combo this past week was a whiter hootchy behind a red flasher. Most of the fish are quite close to the bottom.
BECHER BAY – Salmon fishing was NOT TOO BAD this past week. Most of the fish seen at Cheanuh Marina came from the Bedfords to Whirl Bay, and were running up to 10 lbs in size. Most of the fish have been caught on spoons. Fish close to the bottom for the winter springs.
PEDDER BAY – Pedder Bay Marina reports GOOD fishing. It has really picked up inside the bay and at Whirl Bay. Most of the fish have been close to the bottom in 120-140 feet of water. That said, we did hear of one taken at 60’ on a shallow line in deep water. The salmon have been reported up to 12 lbs in size. Spoons have been producing the best.
VICTORIA – Fishing for salmon was PICKING UP off the waterfront this past weekend. Good weather on Saturday allowed a few anglers to have really good success, with lots of fish caught. Most of the fish were from 3-6 lbs, although we did hear of a 10 lb spring caught off the flagpole. Constance Bank was really good on the east side. Closer in, the salmon were between Trial Island and Finlayson Point in about 124 feet of water. Spoons have been successful in getting hookups.
OAK BAY – Salmon fishing was SLOW in Oak Bay this past week. There were a few salmon coming in from the Flats and the Gap, but most of them have been fairly small with a 8 lb fish the largest that we have heard about. There was bait in Oak Bay this past week, so things are looking up. The salmon are feeding on needle fish and have been close to the bottom where the feed is located. Most of the anglers have been either bottom bouncing or jigging close to the bottom.
SIDNEY – Salmon fishing was SLOW in the Sidney area. Anglers have not been reporting any success. Previously, they had been catching springs, but all of them have been undersized. The area holding the most fish has been the Sidney Channel.
FRESHWATER OVERVIEW – Fishing was GOOD in most lakes for trout and FAIR for bass.
COWICHAN RIVER – The Cowichan River is blown out. The water level is 2.3 meters near the lake and 2.2 meters near Duncan. Coho and chum salmon fishing is now open from the White Bridge, upstream through the mid river. Fishing for trout in the fly-only area has been good with the arrival of lots of salmon in the upper river. Look for trout stationed just downstream of the salmon redds as they feed on salmon eggs. Now is the time to start fishing egg patterns. For salmon, jigs have been productive.
TROUT – Trout fishing has been GOOD with lots of trout to be caught as the Vancouver Island Fish hatchery fall stocking program of catchable triploid rainbow trout in South Island lakes has been ongoing.
Shore anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, or worms while fishing close to the bottom. Fly anglers are fishing Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Muddler Minnow patterns on full sink fly lines most of the time to get into the lower water levels. Trollers are catching trout with worms fished behind Gibbs Gang Trolls and on Gibbs Wedding Bands.
BASS – Bass fishing is SLOW. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing.
Forget about using your flasher if you’re using spoons, anchovies or herring as bait for winter springs. The water clarity is so good in the winter that the fish can spot your bait from much greater distances than at other times of the year. If you want the attraction of a flasher, use a dummy flasher below your bait near the downrigger ball. Besides, it is so much more fun to play a fish without any flasher on the line.
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