Rivers Inlet Fishing Outlook 2015
We are excited to have long-time Guest Guide Scott "the Rookie" Susin (right) back for a few weeks this summer. He seems to have the knack for always guiding one of the biggest chinook salmon,like this chrome 48 lbs. beauty.
Rivers Inlet Sportsman's Club
Already Early Signs Of A Good Season Ahead
At this time of year, we are often asked, “what is the fishing going to be like this season”? Although predicting salmon runs is anything but an exact science, the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) are optimistic in their stock assessments & expect salmon runs to be “near target” or ‘abundant”. This is fabulous news for anglers heading up soon to fish with us at the Sportsman’s Club.
Already, there have been signs of a good salmon fishing season ahead with positive reports from early springtime fishing in the southern BC waters. Lots of stories of multiple fish caught in repeated outings. Some old-timers say that the early season fishing has been the best they have seen in 30 plus years! Other good indicators of strong returns are the positive reports we have been getting from guides who operate independently on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Although these runs in the spring are predominantly fish bound for US fish hatcheries, it is still a “bell weather” of the strength of the overall salmon population in the Pacific NW.
Measures to conserve the NW Pacific salmon runs which have been initiated over the past 30 seem to be having a very positive effect. These include conservation measures (like reduction in commercial fishing), habitat preservation (de-activation of logging roads and better logging practices), and an overall “respect” for the ocean in terms of what we are putting into it! It wasn’t so many years ago that the ocean was viewed as a limitless dumping ground for all of our waste. We have come a long way in cleaning up our oceans and the re-bound of salmon stocks is a perfect example of the success that these efforts are having. We are looking forward to preserving this valuable salmon resource for the enjoyment of many future generations of anglers.
Looking Ahead
It appears that some of our guests are really looking ahead & are already booking their fishing trips with us for 2016. However, there are still a few weeks to go before the start of the 2015 season, so, if you have not already done so, don't miss out on this year's fishing trip with us & book your trip today. Call Cathy or Simon at 1 (800) 663 2644 to check on dates available.
As most of you know, to help ensure that the fish will be running, we open only during peak fishing time at Rivers Inlet when we expect our guests to have the opportunity to catch their salmon quota. Last week I attended our annual BC central coast lodge association meeting. It is a unique group of lodge owners & suppliers that for over 30 years have spent millions of dollars of our own money to support salmon enhancement in our area. There was great excitement about the projected good returns of salmon to Rivers Inlet & other Pacific coastal river systems. Many of you know that the DFO reports that Rivers Inlet is a place where more salmon pass through than any other area on the BC coast. Also, the salmon that return each summer to spawn in the waters of Rivers Inlet are from a unique gene pool of fish that are bigger and fatter than those found in any other rivers systems. As a result, each season the largest trophy fish Chinook (king) and coho (silver) salmon caught anywhere on the entire coast is plucked from our waters!
One of the greatest advantages of our floating lodge is that we are right on the fishing grounds.
Rivers Inlet Sportsman's Club - Fly-In Trophy Salmon Fishing Lodge - Rivers Inlet, BC