Crawlin Column 15.3
Rich Walker
After the hustle and bustle of The King Of The Hammers race, I usually look forward to some slow time to catch up on things. This year, however, that did not happen. With the start of our own business (glass shop), running Crawlin’BC.com, going to races with Matt Nieman and now dealing with a collapsed retaining wall in our backyard, I feel like I haven’t even had time to sit down for 5 minutes.
Since KOH, we have already been down south for two other races in the Ultra4 series. The MetalCloak NorCal Stampede which took place on April 8th just outside of Sacramento and the Ultra4 Glen Helen race on May 24th and 25th in San Bernardino, California.
WERock is in full swing with their crawling and Dirt Riot (go fast) series. I am proud to say that Team Rockhard is in first place in the Unlimited Class after two events. Team driver and founder of Crawlin’ for Crohn’s, Justin Hall had to nearly rebuild his whole car after a nasty roll in the first event in Arizona. With help from his sponsors, spotter (his father), and family, they were back at it in Utah wrapping up a first place finish in the event and series. Team Superchips (Aaron Sykes and Kenny Rose) are in first in Pro-mod and are looking great in their new Campbell chassis car. For more info or to find out when the next event is, check out www.werocklive.com.
It appears the new WERock layout with the two-day events is working out great. The “go fast” Dirt Riots run one day then the rock crawling comps run the next. Competitor numbers are way up and spectator turnouts are increasing as well. I am quite happy to see this change working out.
In the Canadian comp scene, registration for HighRiders 2013 is officially open. If you haven’t signed up yet, you better do so quickly. Spots are filling up fast and this year will just like any other. EPIC!
We also have a new event taking place in Alberta this year! It’s being dubbed “Hard Grass Havoc” and will take place on the August long weekend (race days are the 3rd and 4th). It will be a Top Truck Challenge style event and rigs of all shapes and sizes are signing up. Head over to www.evolutionmachining.com for all the info and to check out the competitors. They are also looking for volunteers, so if you want a chance to get close to the action, be sure to sign up for that. It’s always appreciated.
Now it’s time for a shameless plug. We have been tossing around the idea of selling my buggy and recently we decided to put her up for sale. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s the bright green one that is usually pictured with this column and has been on the cover in the past. If anyone is interested in the specs or if you know someone that might be interested in buying it, please let me know at admin@crawlinbc.com. It will be a cheap and easy way for someone to get into a comp style car that is still very “trail-able”. Stay tuned to see what I have up my sleeves for a new project!
Stay safe and see you on the trails.