Marc Diab Project
Perry Mack
I had a vision for my truck when I bought it – changes I would make and what I would do with it - using it actually seems to bring about further modifications, it’s definitely cyclical. Change it – use it – change it – use it …
My wife calls it ‘putzing’, I call it ‘tinkering’. She looked at the new Superbright LED’s I installed on the front of my truck. ‘That took 3 hours?’ she said, as I stood bathed in the light of her sarcasm.
My wife’s cutting satire aside. Bigger projects have involved bruised knuckles, cut fingers, a litany of expletives plus a handful of dirt and grease under the nails that never seems to come out – why do I do it?
I get excited about new stuff, even when it’s small – new step, new lights, new bumper, new fender flares, new winch or a new tent. I have a basic need to build and improve.
And for me, ‘using it’ is a big part of any project. I’m an explorer at heart, always looking for something I haven’t seen, traveling where I haven’t been before. If you read any of our other magazines – RV, boating, fishing – you’ll see that my truck is an extremely integral part of my life/work/leisure.
I suspect I’m not alone in this. Loving the 4WD lifestyle brings the two elements together. Start with a boring, stock truck – use it, improve it and explore with it. Enjoy it with family and friends.
That’s part of the sport. Before and after the mud, dirt and dust are the hopes and dreams for more of the same – for me there’s usually a view, a campfire and some bevies thrown in.
The Marc Diab Project is one of the events that shows just how much we are all alike. It isn’t about a Jeep. Well it is, but that’s not what makes it so engaging, so personal. It’s about individual aspirations, hopes and dreams – yours and mine. By helping to fulfill, to participate, in Marc’s dream we recognize the importance of making dreams come true – including our own.
For me, this story was one of those motivational nudges, a reality cross-check I didn’t see coming. Telling me to keep my head up, my eyes open and forget about adding to a ‘bucket list’. Do it today – fix it, use it, improve it, use it again.
We are resolute and united, we are Canadian off-roaders. So putz, tinker, smile and put it in 4WD everyday.