Peach Classic Triathlon
Three Lakes Triathlon Series
Peach Classic Triathlon - the Oldest Triathlon Race in the Okanagan
The Peach Classic Triathlon Race Society and Three Lakes Triathlon Series have reached an agreement to transfer the Race from the Society to Three Lakes starting with the 2015 event scheduled for July 19th, 2015. The transfer is effective immediately.
Sarah Johnson, President and spokesperson for the Society said, “It is time for this change as the organizing and time involved for putting these events together is becoming far more complex than in years past. To do this with volunteer help is difficult as the sport is changing all the time with more regulations, more events, family commitments and just not having the time. It is full time work just keeping up with the changes.”
"We were so pleased when we approached Steve Brown (founder of Three Lakes Triathlon Series) and his business partner Jeff Plant (Axis Events and Race Director for Grandfondo Axel Merckx) that they wanted to take on the Peach Classic and make it part of their Series, while keeping true to the original principles upon which the Peach Classic has been run for 30 years. They want to keep the same group of volunteers, sponsors and they agreed to keep the values associated with the event ,” Sarah went on to say, “We want to thank all of our sponsors, volunteers and athletes that have supported us over the years and hope they will continue to support Steve and Jeff going forward.”
Steve Brown, talking on behalf of Three Lakes said, “I feel like this has come full circle. I have been connected to the Peach Classic going back to the mid 1980’s. I’ve been an athlete, volunteer, sponsor, the Race Director and sat on the Board over the history of this race. I was really surprised and very pleased that the current Board came and asked me to take this on. For me it is an honor to be entrusted with the oldest triathlon event in the Okanagan and one of the oldest in B.C.. Jeff and I will do everything we can to ensure the quality and tradition of the race continues. We will be keeping the name Peach Classic but it will also be known as one of the Three Lakes Series of Races.”
Other races in the Three Lakes Series include: Cultus Lake, June 14; Osoyoos Lake, June 28th, Sylvan Lake, July 19th. Registration and other event information may be found at www.threelakestriathlonseries.com or www.peachclassic.ca