Chicken Gold Camp & Outpost
Rustic resort in the center of Chicken with RV park/campground, FREE WiFi and firewood, rooms and cabins, showers cafe', beer/wine, espresso bar, gift shop-art gallery, gold panning, recreational mining, historic tours, gold dredge, river trips, and genuine Alaskan hospitality. Chicken has a couple of National Historic Sites, one of which is located adjacent to the park: the Pedro Dredge and Mining Museum. The old ghost town of Chicken is also a National Historic Site. There is another old dredge located on the Mosquito Fork within walking distance from the campground. The river, which is a National Wild & Scenic River, is also located within walking distance from the park. If gold panning or recreational gold mining is of interest, the Chicken Gold Camp offers both either in the park or on nearby claims. There are several places to eat and shop for gifts and a very unique saloon.
Address 1/4 mile Airport Rd
Chicken Alaska
Mailing Address PO Box 70
Chicken Alaska
Camp Phone 907-235-6396
Website chickengold.com
Name Mike Busby
Facebook www.facebook.com/chickengoldcamp
JobTitle President
Phone 907-399-0005
You tube www.youtube.com/user/chickengoldcamp
Email chickenRVpark@gmail.com
Latitude 64.069212
Longitude -141.940445
Opening Date 2015-05-15
Closing Date 2015-9-15
Pets Welcome Yes
Incl30Amp Yes
Tent Sites Yes
Incl50Amp No
Handicap Yes
Wifi Yes
Laundry No
Full Hookups No
Total Sites 70
Overnight Sites 70
PullThroughSize 20x70