Super Camping Media Kit Cover 2013
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RV camping enthusiasts have relied on the BC Super Camping Guide since 1989 to provide them with detailed camping information on British Columbia when planning their vacations. The only directory in British Columbia targeted at campers and RVers, it includes listings of approved accommodation by Tourism BC.
In 2012 BC Lodging and Campgrounds Association announced the expansion of the popular Super Camping guide to include lodging businesses and the guide will be marketed with the new tag “Travel-British-Columbia.com Print Companion”. Research has shown that an increasing number of campers are seeking roofed accommodation such as cabins, cottages and lodges.
Visitors to BC will now have one comprehensive guide for all their camping and lodging requirements. Your ad or listing works a full 12 months, all 4 seasons, to attract groups, families and friends, whatever their combined lodging and camping needs might be.
In 1996 the website www.camping.bc.ca was launched and became the online Super Camping Guide. Today the online version receives over 200,000 visitors annually. Last year, BC Lodging and Campgrounds Association underwent a redesign of its consumer websites and has amalgamated lodging.bc.ca, camping.bc.ca, and selectlodging.com under www.travel-british-columbia.com. The new, easier to promote website, has traffic of over 200,000 visitors annually.
Total Distribution 220,000 Pass-along readership 500,000
Click here to view the media kit
Click here to view the 2012 Edition of Super Camping Select Lodging Directory
For more information on how your business can profit from the directory please contact Jason Tansem by email jtansem@suncruiser.ca or by phone (866) 609-2383 x 200 or direct (250) 451-9676.