Blaine Harbor
MoorageWith a view of the Peace Arch at the U.S. / Canadian border, Blaine Harbor has 629 state-of-the-art boat slips for commercial and pleasure boats. The harbor has permanent moorage as well as more than 800 feet of visitor moorage.Blaine Harbor is a 5-star EnviroStars and a Certified Clean Marina.Amenities Blaine Harbor's amenities include:
- Generous slip width and fairways for easy maneuvering
- Free parking
- Public boat launch - launch anytime!
- Showers, restrooms, laundry facilities
- Dinghy racks, dock boxes and carts
- Year round potable water with individual hose bibs
- Telephone / DSL available
- Certified Clean Marina
- Portable holding tank pump-outs
- Recycling (oil, anti-freeze, etc.)
- Waterfront trails leading into historic downtown Blaine
Location The harbor is just minutes away from:
- British Columbia
- Gulf Islands
- White Rock
- World-class Semiahmoo Resort