KVR All Access Awareness Trail Ride
Eldorado Hotel 500 Cook Road, Kelowna, British Columbia V1W 3G9
There's a movement afoot to close the KVR to motorized vehicles. You're invited to bring your rig on a ride to show we would like it to continue to remain all access.
This is being organized by the BC Jeep Club - www.bcjeepclub.ca;
"The plan so far is to meet at Eldorado Arms parking lot in Kelowna at 9-9:30am, head up to Gillard FSR and air down. There is space here for a large number of rigs along both sides of the road, proceed up to KVR and head south towards Chute Lake, arrive at Chute Lake Lodge and chill, check out the area, have lunch in the lodge and sign the guestbook,
head back on to KVR southward to Naramata through the ovens, regroup one last time at an as yet undisclosed (suggestions?) winery to say goodbye and head home."
If you're interested in some of the discussions going on to restrict our use of the KVR, you can read and weigh in on the discussion here - http://www.mynaramata.com/show3462a/_Responses_Flow_in_Following_KVR_Trail_Meeting,