2012 Tough Trail Challenge Invitation
Alberta Safari Park RR#202, Alberta
Kelly Walker
Lee's Tough Trail Challenge 2011
Lee’s Tough Trail Challenge takes place the third weekend of August each year.
by Lee Shonert
Hello 4wheelers, welcome back to the Alberta Safari's annual Tough Trail Challenge(1oth) Aug. 18/19th at the Birch Trail Farm. This year there will be 4 tire classes, 31-35",36-41",42-47" and 49-79". Cost to enter is $200, $240, $280,$300,,, respectively. We are going to run the 2 smaller tire classes on the north loops, and the larger 2 classes start out on the South loops all on the Saturday Aug. 18/19th but this will depend on the overall number of entrants, prior to Aug. 10th!
Most contestants will be arriving Fri. night so you can register then or Sat. morning 9-10:00 a.m. after the judges orientation in the shop.There will be a 15 min. drivers meeting, then a 15 min. drivers intro, on camera. At 10:00 half the group heads North, the other half South. There will be a lunch break between 1:30-2:00 (lunch is not provided so you will need to bring your own ,or partake in the concession stand). Afterwards at 2:00. the drivers will switch sections,big tired rigs head to the North trails ,visa vi. 6:00-7:00 is the Barbeque dinner, awards are at 7:30, and then bonfire, and party till midnight. Sunday those willing and able can partake in a timed trail run for a separate trophy and prize...10-2:00p.m.
Smaller 4x4's, i.e. TJ, YJ, Toyota trucks require a minimum. tire size of 31"s, full size must have 44" or larger. One locker, working winch with tree saver,stock sounding exhaust, snatch block, clevis, roll-over protection in open 4x4's, seat belts, with a shoulder strap, fire extinguisher, rear tow strap hooked up and ready, front mounted hooks. And a helmet, on board and tied down.Tip # one, envision your 4x4 upside down, whats is going to fall out? How are you going to get out? Have you a plan to get her back on her wheels? The roll over and personal injury count stands @ 130 just for the last ten years, please be prepared!!!
If you have a 4x4 that meets the above listed spec's, you may contact
Lee Shonert at, lee@safarioffroadpark.ca with
a brief description of your 4x4,eg. model, diff's, tire size, engine,etc prior to Aug. 1st. We know there are more trucks wishing to enter than we have room for. Some will receive immediate notification, and others will hear back as time goes on. Everyone will know before Aug.11th. When you arrive and sign in, you will recieve an entry number and meal ticket. Affix the # to your 4x4,and keep the meal ticket in a safe dry place, LOL.
Prizes to be announced shortly.
14 judges will keep tally of your score. Details Re: scoring as above.
If someone gets hurt, Stars has GPS points, for 2 helicopter landing pads.
Includes driver and co-pilots Sat. night barbeque dinner,camping,and one DVD of the 2012 T.T.C. A 4 hr. timed trail-run on Sunday, with a trophy and prize, 2-4:00 p.m.
We have to limit the number of spectators, they must arrive self contained, and are not entitled to the barbeque dinner. Camping is free for the drivers and co-pilots who have been accepted to " compete"(Friday and Saturday evening) All out of town spectators, are subject to a $20.00 fee per night, to camp over on the Fri-or Sat.evening. All spectators must be 10 years of age or older, and subject to the regular $20 per person to watch this event, same for the sunday venue please arrive with hiking boots, knapsack, gloves etc. You can buy food at the conssesion, but it's cash only. It is essential that you and your family understand the extreme danger associated with this event. All spectators should arrive 10:30- noon and must leave by 6:00p.m. No dogs or pets allowed! Spectators can drive in and park at the spectator entrance, 3rd or the most easterly, sign the waiver, and receive a map, and the day's attinarary.....Spectators that pre-pay on Sat.for both days can watch for $30.