A Detailed Look at Shine On: Pride Shows in the Results
"It was frustrating trying to work with so many different products manufactured by different companies,” Marie explains.
This company appears to be out of business but we would like to know if anyone else is selling the product - please leave a message in the comments box (ed).
By Dean Unger
Shine On was developed by Jim and Marie Hansen, both professional automotive detailers who are well-respected in their field, for their knowledge, expertise and perfectionism. Over the years, they struggled with existing products that were, in theory, meant to make the job easier. Whether they were working with buffers, waxes, or compounds - and in consideration of all the work that goes with each of those products, they found themselves frustrated and unhappy with the results. Due in part to his inquisitive nature, and, of course, his propensity to improve efficiency and achieve more desirable results, Jim set about locating a reputable chemist and a solid manufacturer to see if any solution could be had. Three years later, the Shine On product line was ready to be launched into the marketplace.
"It was frustrating trying to work with so many different products manufactured by different companies,” Marie explains. “None of them worked well together. In fact, sometimes we'd wind up worse off than when we started the detailing. My husband has always been proactive, striving to find better or more efficient ways to get the job done. In this case curiosity thrilled the cat, and his inquisition netted excellent results.”
After three years of research, analysis and testing, the Shine On team found what they were looking for: a product that would NOT yellow, would not flake or peel; would have UV protection so the surface would not oxidize further, was quick to dry, easy to apply without buffers, was cost effective and provided an excellent finish. What they came up with, was an unique copolymer sealer developed for fibreglass, gel-coat restoration and painted aluminum
"To be clear," Marie said, "the product is not a wax or compound, nor is it silicone. We (people in general) are so used to the traditional ways of detailing an RV, a boat, or an airplane, that we surrender to the intense labour that comes with standard upkeep. Most people have difficulty believing that Shine On is that efficient, that easy to apply. Shine On is something you simply wipe on.
There are several easy to follow, intuitive "how-to" videos on the Shine On website. First you prepare the surface by cleaning it with the concentrated cleaner. This step is probably the most important of the Shine On application. “Many of our customers tell us that they are impressed, not only with the ease of application,” Jim says, “but the coverage as well. A little of this product goes a long way; our customers feel that they are getting their money’s worth in terms of stretching their dollars and in terms of the excellent end results."
The next step in the process is the application of Shine On clear-coat to a micro-fibre towel, then wipe onto the surface of your RV, boat, or airplane, in nice easy strokes. Then let the coat dry and apply additional coats as needed. One or two coats in about 18 months will keep your vehicle or vessel well-protected against the elements, and your big-boy toys will look like a million bucks.
"Shine On has been well-received not only among private owners," the Reimers say, "but throughout the Detailing industry as well. There's a lot of great feedback coming back to us."