Walk Among Wolves
Story by Shelley Black - Photos Courtesy Black Wolf Photography
The grey wolf is one of Canada’s iconic animals. But due to their elusive behaviour, sightings can be few and far between. At Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre, you will have a chance to observe these majestic animals and learn more about them through the 30-minute interpretive program. The centre is home to 8 resident wolves that were born and bred in captivity and otherwise would not survive if released into the wild. The people at NLWWC have dedicated their lives to wolf conservation throughout their natural environment and use their voices to speak for those who can’t.
If you would like a bit more adventure, you can also take part in the Blackwolf Photography Tours where you get to walk alongside some of their wolves (tours offered year round, some restrictions apply). This is great for both amateur and professional photographers interested in a truly unique opportunity to photograph wolves in the wild. Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre can be found in beautiful Golden, BC which is nestled between the Rocky Mountains and the Columbia Mountains; ideal destination for the adventurous spirits!
For more information on the Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre visit www.northernlightswildlife.com or call (250) 344-6798