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Cash-strapped Parks Canada is stuck between a rock — or is that Rockies? — and a hard place.
The federal agency is currently consulting the public on a long list of proposed fee hikes for the country’s national parks and historic sites, pointing out that the rates have been frozen since 2008 and costs are on the rise, The Canadian Press reported.
But at the same time as fees are going up, many services are in decline following $55 million in announced budget cuts and the resultant 600 jobs lost across the system.
Over the weekend, so-called “Occupy Winter” protesters gathered in some national parks across the country to demand a return of winter services that were abruptly shut down this year. Visitors are left to guide themselves at some historic sites, and visiting seasons have been shortened.
The agency is now looking to contract out some of its operations, including three hot springs in the Rockies and a golf course in Cape Breton.
“As Canadians, we own these parks, they’re national treasures, and we need to ensure that the government really provides the appropriate resources to Parks Canada … so that protection is prioritized and it remains accessible to everybody,” said Eric Hebert-Daly, national executive director of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.
To make matters even more complicated, parliamentarians — including Conservatives — have been putting their own pressure on the agency after hearing from unhappy constituents.
In eastern Ontario, Parks Canada’s proposal to substantially increase the user fees along the Rideau Canal and Trent-Severn Waterway was greeted with a backlash.
The agency has already backed down from its proposal only two weeks into the consultation, restoring the concept of a day pass or season’s pass at more discounted rates.
“If you make it too expensive, people won’t use it, and it’ll be self-defeating in terms of raising more revenue,” said Conservative MP Gord Brown, whose riding includes large swaths of the Rideau Canal.