Walmart RV Parking
RV Business
B.C. Town Votes to Rescind Walmart Parking Ban
Mission, BC, voted on June 22 to allow RV parking at the local Walmart, according to a report in the Mission Record.
When council approved the development of the shopping center that includes Walmart four years ago, a covenant was placed on the property requiring that the developer ban overnight parking on the site, except by staff.
Walmart is known for taking an accepting stance toward RV drivers who wish to park their vehicles overnight at their stores, and staff were worried that free overnight parking could become a problem during major events.
Mayor Randy Hawes noted that Walmart is the only property with specific restrictions against overnight parking.
On Monday, council decided to waive the covenant.
“We don’t have an RV park in Mission and I’m aware of RV drivers who have asked people, ‘Where can I park overnight so I can stay here.’ And if they can’t find a place, they move on to Maple Ridge, with their tourism dollars.
“It just makes sense to me that we would remove that covenant and tell Walmart if they wish to allow parking in their parking lot, they’re free to do so.”
Originally published here, where you can read the full article.