Training Session
By Dennis Ullman
Record Year for National Campers Helping Campers Program
It was a very special occasion as hundreds stood on their feet to show appreciation to Sue Dick as she finished her remarks about her father the late Neal Dick, during the recent Sunspace sponsored National Awards Ceremony held at Blue Mountain near Collingwood, Ontario. The Neal Dick Memorial Award (for most funds raised) was presented to the Campers of Sandy Beach Resort; other top award winners included Country Gardens RV Park, Bensfort Bridge Resort and Sherkston Shores. Neal was a dedicated supporter of many charities, including the March of Dimes through the Campers Helping Campers (CHC) program. Neal was the owner of Rideau Acres Campground and with support of campers/volunteers they raised thousands of dollars in support of March of Dimes Canada.
Campers Helping Campers began in 1969 by a group of private campground owners, to raise funds for children and adults who live with disabilities. As the Campground/RV/Resort industry has changed significantly over the years, so has Campers Helping Campers. In the beginning, a few thousand dollars would be raised each year through hot dog sales, bottle returns, donations and some small special events. 45 years later much needed support is still being raised, by over 250 RV parks throughout Ontario and with new supporters coming on board throughout Canada too. Supporters now participate in a variety of activities from gumball sales, pie auctions, FUN days to major special events such as Rock for Dimes, and a new online eStore – www.mod-estore.com or through the sale of Canadian Art (www.HopewithArt.com) or cleaning products from Tormax and Country Basics.
Over $1.5 million has been raised to support March of Dimes Canada’s Recreation and Integration programs that are offered throughout the year and in the summer at Geneva Park, located near Orillia. Program participates are able to enjoy a once in a lifetime outdoor holiday experience. For someone who primarily lives in an institution – this outdoor experience is something that they could only dream about before. Participants have an opportunity enjoy the great outdoors as they canoe, kayak, swim, complete arts and craft activities, enjoy nature walks and participate in trips to the local community attractions.
March of Dimes Canada provides a variety of programs and services to over 55,000 people each year. For program information visit www.marchofdimes.ca.
The future for Campers Helping Campers could be described as one with tremendous potential as the RV industry, resort owners, and even the marina enthusiasts are pledging their support to March of Dimes Canada.
It is amazing what can be done when combining everyone’s efforts toward a common goal – together we truly are making a difference.