RV water hookups
O'Connor RV
If you've had your RV in storage over the winter, spring is the time to flush your RV water. After winterizing – you must de-winterize – meaning you need to make sure your water system is clean before putting in fresh water. You will soon be using this system for drinking and cooking, so it's crucial to follow the steps so that your first RV trip is safe and enjoyable.
- If you've stored your RV for the winter using anti-freeze, it will have to be thoroughly flushed out. (Note: The anti-freeze you use in RV water systems is not the same as what radiators use). Flushing your water system is not too complicated.
- Start by hooking your clean water hose to your water source and connect the other end to your RV's water intake. Open your gray tank and turn on all the taps. Let the water run until it looks and tastes clean. If your gray tank is not hooked to the sewer, you will need to connect to another drainage system, like a gutter or a bucket.
- Complete the same process with your holding tank. Turn the pump on and run several tank-fulls of water through it to flush any antifreeze entirely out of the tank and pipes.
If there is residual antifreeze in the tank, you should dissolve a box of baking soda in a bucket of water and pour it down the drains. Let it sit for at least 2 hours.
Disinfecting Your Water Systems
If you didn't winterize your RV with antifreeze, you should still clean and purify your water system. Some forms of mildew and mold can be poisonous, so it is crucial to complete this step.
Add one cup of liquid bleach for every 20-30 gallons of water. Flush this through your system and let it sit for about 2 hours. (Don't let it sit for too long – although bleach cleans well, it can also disintegrate parts of the system).
Bleach is highly effective in killing bacteria, so you can feel assured your water will be safe for drinking once it is flushed through thoroughly. If you can still smell or taste the bleach, use the baking soda solution technique suggested above.
If you follow these steps at home before your first spring trip, you can enjoy your trip instead of worrying about completing the task at the campground.
If you don't feel safe completing these steps yourself, your favourite RV Technician would be happy to help.
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