by Pacific Salmon Foundation
Help PSF Conserve Habitat like the Adams River
As a supporter of the Pacific Salmon Foundation, you've probably heard about the large number of Sockeye that have just started flooding the Adams River in the last week. But did you know that Pacific Salmon Foundation donors are helping to conserve the vulnerable spawning habitat those salmon are returning to?
The Adams River has one of the largest Sockeye salmon runs in North America and every fourth year is a “dominant” salmon run. The Adams River return provides a huge boost to the surrounding ecosystem and draws hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world to Roderick Haig-Brown Park for the ‘Salute to Sockeye Festival.’ Thanks to the volunteer efforts of the Adams River Salmon Society, the Sockeye can count on pristine habitat to return to.
This year the Pacific Salmon Foundation was proud to partner with Rocky Mountaineer in providing the Adams River Salmon Society with a $75,000 grant for educational kiosks and a new viewing platform. The new platform will ensure more than 250,000 visitors can enjoy the spectacle without trampling nearby habitat. Thanks to the educational kiosks, hundreds of school groups will return home with a heightened understanding of salmon’s importance.
How You Can Help
Please consider a donation to the Foundation to help with our conservation projects across the province, like one in the iconic Adams River.
Three Great Ways to Support Salmon
1.Make a cash donation through our secure online portal
2.Shop our online store for apparel, artwork, accessories and more
3.Contact Cory Matheson, our Business Development Officer about getting your company involved with the Foundation: or 604-664-7664 ext. 106
Stay Connected:
Check out highlights from our trip to the Adams River on our Facebook Page