Warrior II
By Sally Hauca & MaryAnne Galey
Yoga provides easy fitness while you’re on the road without the need for a fancy gym or any specialized equipment. Perfect at rest stops when you take a break from driving and once you’ve settled into your RV site. Here’s some key moves to add to your routine.
Crescent lunge
Benefits: Increases heart rate up, speeds up metabolism, stretches legs and hips
Standing tall, exhale and step the right foot back into a lunge position, keeping left leg just slightly bent. Inhale; raise arms straight above head. Bend deeper into left knee until the left thigh is parallel to the ground and the right knee is almost touching the ground, exhale and return right leg to standing. Switch sides and repeat.
Warrior II
Benefits: Strengthens legs; stretches groins, chest, shoulders and helps self-confidence
Stand tall with feet together and arms by sides. Step legs about 3 feet apart and extend arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms facing down. Turn left foot and leg out 90 degrees to the left, lining up the heel of left foot with the arch of right foot. Inhale, and as you exhale bend left knee, forming a right angle with left thigh and shin. Stack knee directly above ankle in line with second toe. (Hint: Lining front knee up with second toe and bringing thigh parallel to the floor protects and strengthens the muscles around the knee.) Relax shoulders away from ears and turn head to gaze out over left hand. Reach through your arms, feeling a line of energy from the tips of right fingers through the tips of left. Relax your jaw. Hold for 3 to 10 slow, deep breaths. To come out of the pose, turn head to face forward, straighten left leg, and rotate it to bring feet to parallel. Turn right leg out 90 degrees to switch sides and repeat.
Happy Fitness!
For more 5 Minute Fit Tips visit YogaRVing at www.yogarving.com